“So prioritize the gathering. Read Scripture in your gathering knowing that God uses it to save souls and sustain faith. Model for your members what they ought to do at home and in their classes. Do multiple readings. Read whole chapters. Recite Scripture corporately.
Pray in your gathering. Pray knowing it increases your members’ trust in God and their communion with him. Pray like you want the saints to pray with and for one another: praising God, confessing sin, pleading for the lost, lifting-up neighboring churches, and interceding for their brothers and sisters by name.
And preach. Preach knowing God speaks through you to raise the dead, stir the idle, encourage the faithful, feed the hungry, and mend the wounded. Preach in such a way that your members leave better equipped to teach one another. Exposit the text. Answer difficult questions. Interpret Scripture with Scripture. And apply it to your church.”
John Sarver, A Foolproof Discipling Program: Corporate Worship
Read the full article here.