God’s Design For Worship Has Always Been Countercultural

“Many Christian leaders seek to build services around people’s felt needs. Or they spare no expense in putting on an elaborate production Sunday after Sunday. While the motivations may be pure, (or not), God’s way is to build up his people by edifying teaching, not by entertaining theater. We don’t want to be snobbish, or elitist, or assume that people know more than they do. But neither do we want to always “meet people where they are at.” God’s design for worship has always been countercultural. What we win them with is what we win them to. Let us opt for the slow, patient approach of teaching the Bible bit by bit. After all, in the beginning was the Word (John 1:1), not a play, a picture, or a production.”

What we win them with is what we win them to.

Kevin DeYoung, The 10 Commandments, 49

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