Don’t Compromise with Sin

“When the black flag was hoisted in warfare, it indicated no quarter would be given to the enemy. This is the sort of war we must make against our own sin, because sin seeks only to dominate us until it destroys us.

Far too often, we make agreements with sin, we negotiate with sin, we confine our most treasured sins to comfortable yet small spaces within our affections, only to act on them when no one is looking or when we anticipate it will bring no particularly costly consequences.

These coddled sins deceive us into thinking we have mastered them. In reality, while we coddle that secret sin, we are in fact nursing it, and it grows stronger as we grow weaker in spiritual strength, discernment, and resolve. Instead, we must give no quarter to sinful affections; we must hoist the black flag and make war on our sinful affections daily and strive for their utter destruction.”

Ryan Biese, Make No Compromise With Sin—Judas, Revoice, and Raising the Black Flag

Read the full article here.

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