“The Bible is a book that interprets itself. Because the ultimate Author of Scripture is God Himself. God knows what He means to say in His Word. And He says it clearly. If only we keep the main thing the main thing. And Jesus Christ and His Gospel ARE the main thing. God speaks ultimately through His Word made flesh – God the Son came in our flesh to save us from sin and death, to restore us to covenant communion with God, forever and ever. That’s why the New Testament interprets the Old Testament. It shows us how Christ crucified and exalted is the fulfillment of every covenant expectation and every prophetic promise – in the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms – the entire Old Testament. And that’s why tinkering with God’s Word is so eternally dangerous – for those who teach it falsely, and for those who are poisoned by that false teaching. Souls are harmed at best and destroyed at worst when Scripture is perverted.”
Tony Phelps, X